Sunday, July 5, 2015

CLBREEZE complete recovery, ESTHUNDER recovering and ESLIGHTNING struck by lightning

The chaos systems CLBREEZE, ESTHUNDER, ESLIGHTNING trade certain recurring patterns in the market; these patterns occur in cycles - with periods when they are not manifest and periods when they are manifest, over and over again.   When the relevant pattern is present the system tends to be profitable and when the underlying pattern is not present the system enters into drawdown.  

CLBREEZE recently recovered from a drawdown.   ESTHUNDER is in the process of recovering from one and ESLIGHTNING suffered a big blow last week when the ES market gapped down by 30 PTS+ it was caught on the wrong side, this can happen either on the positive or the negative direction and in this case it was caught out on the wrong side.  

Because the chaos systems track certain patterns in the markets the performance graphs of these systems actually say something about prevailing market conditions, ES looks good for trading and can be expected to make some moves based on how ESTHUNDER is recovering and looking set for some type of profitable spurt phase

CLBREEZE performance July 2015 hypothetical performance recovered from drawdown

ESTHUNDER performance July 2015 in the process of recovering from a drawdown, looking like it is setting up for a profitable spurt period coming up

ESLIGHTNING July 2015 struck down by a lightning strike of a 30 PT gap down in the ES market last week, looking like may take a while for it to recover from here

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