Monday, March 23, 2015

Introducing CLFLOW

CLFLOW trades the oil CL market in a conservative fashion and is built on two chaos indicators filtering each other in the most extraordinarily natural way with no pre-determined artificial stop-loss/profit-targets.  All exits these are determined dynamically in real-time    The system needed no optimization whatsoever and is at completely "as is" natural settings and shows the characteristic chaos systems step ladder like horizontal and vertical movement performance curve   It is not a very active system with only a handful of trades per month with lower drawdowns potential

CLFLOW : Built from the Chaos Levels and Chaos Wave indicators- notice that it trades the Chaos Wave exit and entry, Chaos Wave often provides incrediblely early entries an emerging trend


CLFLOW: Hypothetical Performance curve like a step ladder or inverted zig-zag shapes is typical of chaos systems, in this case completely natural not optimized in any way it just falls out that way is remarkable

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